Food Safety Level 3


PGL Travel Ltd


eLearning, Blended



The current training program for Food Safety Level 3 certification posed challenges related to high costs and logistics. The in-person classes were expensive to conduct and require employees to travel and be away from their jobs. There are also issues with retention of information and difficulties scheduling all employees in a timely manner.

To address these problems, I developed a blended elearning course. Employees would complete online self-paced training that covers food safety protocols through interactive elements like videos and knowledge checks. This primed learners with the key information to reduce face-to-face class time. A short in-person session reinforced proper techniques. The online course can be repeated as needed to keep knowledge fresh. This blended approach drove cost savings through reduced travel and class time. It also improved convenience for employees and helps ensure food safety practices are understood and retained long-term. 

Automated training tracking allowed monitoring of completion rates and test scores. In summary, the elearning course maximised understanding and accessibility while minimising costs.

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